So, at about the same time I started exercising on a regular basis I stopped eating saturated fat. The results were spectacular. Not only did I start waving goodbye to flab, my risk of heart disease decreased.
Here are the main culprits I eliminated from my diet:
- Cakes, pastries, pies, processed meat products (like sausages), biscuits (this includes savoury ones)
- Cheese (only low fat cottage cheese in small quantities allowed)
- Cream in any form including ice-cream
- Crisps
- Butter, lard or ghee
- Sweets including chocolates
- Coconut oil, milk or cream or palm oil
Eating food that is bad for health is just not worth it, in spite of what advertisers have to say. I never believe ads, I always read the the ingredient labels and if the product is not up to speed I don't touch it. We mostly eat fresh food that I prepare myself; this way I know exactly what goes in to the dish. It is also easy to make delicious dishes using low fat substitutes so we don't have to eat gruel to stay healthy!
Diana Elsmere