This is quite an interesting exercise for me. The business-trained part of me is impassive, calculating, determined. The emotional part of me that is somehow hitched to my body image is bouncing around in a very unreasonable fashion. There is an inherent 'ideal' body image that is imbedded somewhere in my psyche. This 'ideal' has been created by mindlessly absorbing marketing machinations for years. Logic tells me it is meaningless; my emotions rage!
This is very similar to getting a group of people to reach a target and I have engaged the same strategies in this endeavour.
- Set an achievable goal (9kg weight loss)
- Have a time limit (278 days)
- Always know current status (brutal truth is required here - record everything every day)
- Have a workable strategy (expend more calories than are consumed daily)
- Stick to the plan (keep on going in spite of weight fluctuations)
Diana Elsmere